@article{M7FCB39A6, title = "Post-Quantum Security Strength Evaluation through Implementation of Quantum Circuit for SIMECK", journal = "KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems", year = "2023", issn = "2287-5891", doi = "https://doi.org/10.3745/KTCCS.2023.12.6.181", author = "Song Gyeong Ju/Jang Kyung Bae/Sim Min Joo/Seo Hwa Jeong", keywords = "SIMECK Quantum Circuit, Grover Algorithm, Quantum Computing, Quantum Security Strength", abstract = "Block cipher is not expected to be safe for quantum computer, as Grover's algorithm reduces the security strength by accelerating brute-force attacks on symmetric key ciphers. So it is necessary to check the post-quantum security strength by implementing quantum circuit for the target cipher. In this paper, we propose the optimal quantum circuit implementation result designed as a technique to minimize the use of quantum resources (qubits, quantum gates) for SIMECK lightweight cryptography, and explain the operation of each quantum circuit. The implemented SIMECK quantum circuit is used to check the estimation result of quantum resources and calculate the Grover attack cost. Finally, the post-quantum strength of SIMECK lightweight cryptography is evaluated. As a result of post-quantum security strength evaluation, all SIMECK family cipher failed to reach NIST security strength. Therefore, it is expected that the safety of SIMECK cipher is unclear when large-scale quantum computers appear. About this, it is judged that it would be appropriate to increase the block size, the number of rounds, and the key length to increase the security strength." }