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KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems, Vol. 9, No. 8, Aug. 2020
Design of a Lightweight Security Protocol Using Post Quantum Cryptography
Kyung Bae Jang, Min Joo Sim, Hwa Jeong Seo
KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems, Vol. 9, No. 8, pp. 165-170, Aug. 2020
Keywords: IoT, information protection, Lightweight Security Protocol, RSA, ECC, Quantum Computer, NIST Post Quantum Cryptography Standardization, Code-Based Cryptography, ROLLO
KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems, Vol. 9, No. 8, pp. 165-170, Aug. 2020

Keywords: IoT, information protection, Lightweight Security Protocol, RSA, ECC, Quantum Computer, NIST Post Quantum Cryptography Standardization, Code-Based Cryptography, ROLLO
Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning-Based Behavior Control of Grid Sortation Systems in Smart Factory
HoBin Choi, JuBong Kim, GyuYoung Hwang, KwiHoon Kim, YongGeun Hong, YounHee Han
KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems, Vol. 9, No. 8, pp. 171-180, Aug. 2020
Keywords: Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Sortation System, Cooperative Multi-Agent
KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems, Vol. 9, No. 8, pp. 171-180, Aug. 2020

Keywords: Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Sortation System, Cooperative Multi-Agent
Study on the Big Data Platform Construction of Fisheries
Choi Joowon, Jung Jaewook, Kim Youngae, Shin Yongtae
KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems, Vol. 9, No. 8, pp. 181-188, Aug. 2020
Keywords: Fisheries Industry, Fisheries Data, Big data, Data Market, Data Ecosystem
KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems, Vol. 9, No. 8, pp. 181-188, Aug. 2020

Keywords: Fisheries Industry, Fisheries Data, Big data, Data Market, Data Ecosystem